The "Chase Car" delivered us to Oseira where we finished yesterday's walk.
Within five minutes we were already going up and up and up some more ...
Our Señors had hinted that today would be an easier day for us ... Señor Guy even told Madame M. that he could walk the Camino with us in his "sandals"!
A new thing was added to our trails today in addition to the stones, rocks and boulders we walked through mud and water ... Oh poor Madame M's new walking shoes!
All the rock climbing caused some "hotspots" today and I don't mean Wi-Fi hotspots ...
my poor feet felt a bit hot but I was afraid to take off my socks and shoes for fear of not being able to put them on again ... and then I would have to walk barefoot!
Wow, this is so amazing. You are really living a dream!