The many birds whistling in harmony, and the cuckoo birds who seem to keep time with the Church bells.
Last evening Monsieur Honey was whistling with the local feathered friends...and receiving return calls.
The clip clop of the horses and ponies riding by the, it was a thundering sound as two of the horses were loose and on the run.
The clip clop of the horses and ponies riding by the, it was a thundering sound as two of the horses were loose and on the run.
On Thursday and Sunday mornings the horn of the visiting butcher's truck announcing his arrival in the square.
And sometimes there is a loud gunshot...very near...perhaps the "chasse".
The neighbouring horses naying as if to say "Bonjour" when we walk out to the car...Monsieur Honey has introduced himself by presenting the single horse with some carrots. This horse could be "Mr. Ed".
And of course, once in awhile even if you can't see them you will hear the thundering roar of jet powered French Airforce training airplanes flying low overhead, usually two... one chasing the other.