Saturday, September 30, 2017

Life in Livorno

Day 8 - Friday, September 15, 2017 we docked at the port "Molo Italia 42 Nord" in Livorno, Italy this morning. 

I say this is the gateway to Tuscany when you're cruising. Many excursions, sixteen in total were offered by the cruise line from here today (as they were from all ports)! As we had been to this region before visiting Florence for several days and spending a week in the Tuscan countryside a few years ago, we had planned not to venture too far. Plus I wasn't looking forward to sitting on a bus or in a car for two hours each way to reach Florence.

We had an enjoyable day just strolling around the city of Livorno getting a feel for the life /beat and culture of the locals. 

There was a bustling outdoor market of fresh fruits and vegetables in the Piazza Cavallotti with many choices.

Later we discovered the Mercato Centrale (the Central Market) housed in a giant neo - classical building constructed in the late 19th Century overlooking the main canal. 
It is said to be the largest covered market in Italy with approximately 30 shops and 230 vendor stalls. 
It has 5 grand entrances! 

Here you could stock your fridge and larder with everything you need; however the best part in Europe most of the locals shop fresh everyday!
I love this, fresh food and I'm sure less waste! 

There were many prosciutto vendors at the market ...
and if you are a real connoisseur you can buy your own slicer. I think my father in his day would have loved to have one these slicers in his butcher shop/ deli! 

We strolled the tiled, covered walkways that looked similar to cloisters along the Via Grande where we found many shops, boutiques and cafes.

Everyday, on the ship we received a newsletter about our next port with detailed info and suggestions of points of interests, etc. Signore Honey had read that we should try the local dish ... schiacciate! 
Time for a some lunch in the Piazza overlooking the Duomo. 
 Delicious! That's one of the great experiences of travelling being able to try a different cultures' food and drink! 

We then headed to the ship. 

Tonight we were celebrating being in the Tuscany region with dinner at the speciality Italian restaurant Toscana. 

I'll be writing a separate post about some of the restaurants/ our dining experiences later.

Tonight we are cruising the shortest distance of 120 nautical miles from Livorno, Italy and in the morning we will be docking Monte Carlo, Monaco! 

Coming soon ... our last days on the cruise: Day 9 Monte Carlo, Monaco / Day 10 Marseille, France and then our continued adventure in Spain and France. 

Friday, September 29, 2017

One Tick off Signore Honey's Bucket List

Day 7 - Thursday, September 14, 2017 this morning we docked in the Port of Naples, Italy.  After our breakfast we disembarked the ship and purchased our tickets for the hydrofoil boat to take us to the Isle of Capri along with thousands of other tourists and locals. So busy! 
This was something Signore Honey has always wanted to do.

We should have grabbed this snazzy taxi to tour the island but we decided to get some exercise and we followed the signs that directed us to the centre, not knowing how far we would have to go! And it was all up hill! 

Finally we reached the top after climbing many steps ... first some rehydration and then we wandered the many boutique lined streets, doing lots of window shopping today. 

My Monsieur Honey finally had his Rendez Vous with the Isle of Capri! 

What goes up, must come down ... more steps! 

We enjoyed a delicious pizza and glass of wine once back down at the waterfront before catching the boat back to Naples. 
Today was our shortest day at port ... we needed to be "All Aboard" by 3:30PM. 

We will have to return to Naples to visit more of the sites of the city and the ruins of Pompeii. Another trip! 

Tomorrow after cruising 287 nautical miles we will be docking in Livorno, Italy. 

Pat's Postcards from Palermo, Sicily

Day 6  Wednesday, September 13, 2017  approaching Palermo, Sicily, Italy ... 
We aren't exactly certain how our day in Palermo evolved. 
Did we walk to the centre, was there a shuttle bus service? I know it matters not to you but I'm trying to reconstruct our day. 
For me it is my diary of our travels. 
This is what happens when you don't post / write as the adventure is happening ... my memory fails me at times ... might be time to keep a written journal! 
Although the photos do trigger some memories. 
I do remember that my first impressions were not favourable as we wandered towards the centre, but I can't put my finger on what it was ... and then I really opened my eyes and saw the uniqueness and beauty in all that surrounded me! 

Views from our balcony as we were approaching the dock. 

Palermo located on the northwestern coast of Sicily is "considered a jewel in the crown of Sicily". It is the largest city on the island. 

The post office ... 

Beautiful architecture ...

No this is not a stained glass window in a church, it was in an entrance door to an apartment building. 
What a beauty! I think this would be a lovely feature in my front door side lights. 

Chuesa di S. Domenici e Chiostro

Santa Caterina / Saint Catherine Church in the Plaza Bellini. (Baroque)

Plaza Bellini is home to three churches Saint Catherine's (pictured above) and below Santa Maria dell' Ammiraglio and San Cataldo with its three domes ... both of these are Unesco World Heritage Sites.
My "Signore Honey" in the square ... 
they say "when in Rome do as the Romans do"  what a whirlwind of title changes for my man! 
Monsieur in France, Señor in Spain, Signore in Italy! 

Praetorian Fountain - the most important landmark of Piazza Pretoria was built by Francesco Camilliani in 1554 in the city of Florence, Italy and then moved to Palermo in 1574. 

Quattro Canti 

The Palermo Cathedral ... Saint Mary of the Assumption was built in 1185.

A little time to just relax and people watch! 

Ok Signore Honey, let's see what else we can find on our self guided walking tour! 

Teatro Massimo (Opera House) 

Another busy day and lesson learned don't always judge a book by it's cover, first impressions may not always be accurate ... lots of beautiful history in Palermo. 

Departing from Palermo, Sicily we will travel 167 nautical miles and wake up in Naples, Italy tomorrow morning.