On our final evening after another full day of the sights and sounds in New Orleans, we joined Laury at her home for some delicitable nibbles, a good bottle of wine and an evening of tintalating conversation.
We met some interesting people both real and not so real.
The butcher, the baker but not the candlestick maker ... the city is adorned with masterful bronze sculptures.
And a new circle of friends, circles within circles which leads to the story of how we met Laury!
Of course, there is a "French Connection"!
In 2012 shortly (within a month or so) after our return from our first ever long stay of three months in Gourdon, France which was a truly amazing experience (magnifique!); we were already starting to plan our next adventure.
While searching the rental websites, we found a cute stone cottage named "Beaucaillou" in the small village of Dégagnac located only 12 kilometres from the town of Gourdon.
Late July 2012 we sent an enquiry to the owner regarding the property's availability for an extended stay of three months in 2013.
The pictures, description and details on the website showcased a lovely property and it was located in the Lot Valley, one our favourite areas in France.
As we did not know much about the owner and property, etc. ... we "googled" the cottage and village name "Beaucaillou Dégagnac".
Our search results found a blog post that referenced "Beaucaillou" translation "Beautiful Pebble".
The post was titled "A "Beautiful Pebble" in Dégagnac" in a blog named "Soar-Dream-France".
Reading this post we got our first glimpse of the owner "Clare" through a photo along with some history of her and the writer's friendship.
The writer being none other than "Laury".
Msr. Honey enjoyed reading the blog about Laury's French life and her other happenings.
He followed it regularly and it became part of his morning ritual along with reading the daily newspaper.
Fast forward, we did rent Beaucaillou for the three months of April, May and June 2013 and actually met the owner ... and via email she introduced us to our "Belgian Connection" friends ...Madame M. and Msr. Guy ... another circle within a circle.
During our return trip in 2014, Clare invited us all for dinner at Beaucaillou.
Over the course of the evening, Msr. Honey asked Clare "How is your friend who writes the blog?"
Clare responded "She's coming to visit next week."
The stars collided and the rest is history ... we finally met "Laury" in person at an alfresco dinner hosted by the Belgian Connection.
I have to tell you Msr. Honey expected to see Laury dressed in her "overalls"* but that was not the case that evening ... But she did not disappoint him when we arrived at her place on our first day in New Orleans. (*Only those that know Laury will understand this).
A big "Merci beaucoup!" Laury for sharing your time, friends, knowledge and the wonderful places in your "town" of New Orleans!
It is a small world after all!