French philosopher and writer, Voltaire said.......
"Paradise is where I am".
"Monsieur Honey" and I both agree that where we are is "Paradise"!
Saturday morning we woke to some welcomed sunshine, warm to hot temperatures (90 degrees F plus in full sun), did some market shopping, purchased some potting soil to do some container gardening, puttered outside and then we enjoyed our alfresco lunch on the terrace, followed by a late afternoon stroll through the village.
"Monsieur" even donned his shorts this he is all smiles in the village square.
The tulips even turned their heads to the sun today.
The village church.
A view from above of the village cemetery.
Our neighbours in the pasture next door.
Beautiful blue pansies.
So do you think the locals would know we are not French...since we are drinking "vin blanc" instead of a "rosé" or "rouge" at lunch and "Monsieur Honey" is sporting his shorts with his colourful gay socks?
Saturday's weather continued into Sunday...stay tuned for more "Postcards from the Lot".