Wednesday, June 4, 2014


If you have followed us through our previous travel adventures to France you will be aware that we believe there is "something in the water" or maybe it is the French sunshine and wine ... 

This year Madame was first in need of a visit to the Coiffure, normally it is Monsiuer Honey!

Yesterday Madame already noticed that her hair had grown considerably in the past three weeks also causing her roots needing to be touched up ...

Et voila! 

Today, an appointment at a local coiffure "Kosmo Coiffure" and I came out a transformed women with a new look!

Another part of changing my front door ... although Monsieur Honey says the hinge on my new Front door has fallen off!

Ça c'est parfait!


  1. I want to see a picture of the new doo.

  2. Please tell me you went the way of the picture of the lovely lady in the medieval garden shot.LOL
