Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Lazy Day in Lloret de Mar

#LloretdeMar#Taverna de l'Abat#TossadeMar#CarmensCafe

We travelled a short distance from Tossa to Lloret following the coastline on a road with many switchback curves similar to the swinging and swirling of a Flamenco dancer's skirt.

We strolled the beach boulevard and then the town's main shopping street for a little retail therapy.



We then settled in at a very vibrant café with great Spanish music playing.

The waitresses were dressed to the nines in their "Flamenco" costumes ... this evening they will dance and sing the night away.

We returned to Tossa and found a new place for a late lunch ... at the entrance to the old Town on the Ramparts.

Delicious food, great service ... alfresco dining in the sunshine!


  1. You seem to have found the nicer part of Loret de Mar. The view from the castle in Tossa are great. When and where do you do your long walk?

    1. Yes the views are awesome, the water is so blue and shimmers in the sunlight. I found Lloret more commercial and touristy...with high rises lining the seafront (some like this). We are pleased we chose Tossa as our base while on the Costa Brava. The walk starts mid June.

  2. Nice place! Wish I was there also !!
