"I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden"... Ruth Stout
The sunshine and warmer temperatures created a real buzz at the markets and garden stores this past weekend.
Everyone was out Saturday buying plants, seeds, bags of potting soil and planters.
We have made several purchases on behalf of our landlady over the past week.
Our first buy was twenty-four lavender plants in six- inch pots for some foundation plantings and a flat of ten Garnet coloured ivy geraniums to use in some clay pots.
We found these plants quite by accident one day when went for drive in a different direction at a large Supermarket in Fumel.
Before our market shopping Saturday, we visited the farm store in Gourdon (similar to TSC stores - Tractor Supply Company in Canada) to purchase garden edging, however, we did not find any of the plastic variety.
We found six healthy Hollyhock plants (in French "Rose Trémière Simple / Ficifolia") that are drought resistant which make them the perfect easy care plant for the hot French summers.
At the Gourdon Market, we were searching for Hostas.
We visited a market stall we were familiar with from last year, and we spotted several varieties of Hostas.
As we needed a large number of plants, I asked the proprietor what the price would be if we bought twenty plants.
We agreed upon a price and "Cathy" said as she did not have enough plants with her, she would bring them to next Saturday's Market (Talk about service).
As we were leaving her stall we noticed that there was a "Fête le printemps"... literal translation "Spring Festival" at the Greenhouses the next day.
What could be better, we now had an outing planned for Sunday.
One more stop at another store for edging with success, and a wander through the colourful display of planters.
Sunday morning was a beautiful day for a country drive to ....
"Le Jardin de Cathy"
Boulegan. 46340 Salviac
Tel. Port.
We wandered the greenhouses, received helpful information and found some additional plants suitable for "Beaucaillou's gardens".
Once we've done the "digging in" and the plants have had some nurturing and a chance to grow we hope they will look like our Hostas and lavender that are planted in our garden in Canada.
Garden gloves and shovels are you ready?
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