Thursday, May 15, 2014

Changing My Front Door

#Frenchdoors#Santiago de Compostela#The Way#walking#birthdaymilestones

My personal odometer is turning over tomorrow ... as I start the next decade in my life!

You know the one that I have talked about quite a bit ... the one that my friend, Madame M. refers to as the "changing of my front door".

All the doors have their own character marks and colours.

I have given much thought to the changing of my personal front door ... and for me it involves being more physically active, my new love of walking and to achieve a personal goal of walking part of the Pilgramage route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. 

Oh yes, I have made some slight changes to my appearance ... a different hairstyle with some added colour highlights to give me a little sparkle and shine...just like a new coat of paint on your front door.


And I am happy to say that the walk on "The Way" has been scheduled into our travel itinerary for mid June. 

And I am ready to embrace and welcome "The Changing of My Front Door"!


This morning in my inbox I received a personalized message.

The website that I used to book most of our accommodations wrote to me ...

"It's time to get excited about your trip to Tossa de Mar!"

So reality is sinking in ... yes I am getting excited and I am almost packed.

Not long now we will be enjoying the views of the Mediterranean, I will be exploring a new country and Monsieur Honey will be having a memory tour of his time (50 some years ago) in Tossa de Mar.

Hopefully, we will find time to relax on the beach and locate a café or two where we can sip a cold glass of sangria and enjoy nibbling some tapas.

Stay tuned ... I will be writing and sending lots of "Postcards" with colourful photos of our adventures in France and Spain.


Monday, May 12, 2014

A Busy Week!


This time next week we will have hopefully arrived safely in Toulouse and be sound asleep ...getting a good night's rest before our journey to the Costa Brava in Spain.

It is hard to believe that the time to depart is almost here.

This week will be busy with not only my many appointments such as a day of pampering for my hair, a manicure and pedicure, a dental checkup plus Monsiuer Honey has to visit his coiffure for a much needed haircut and of course the last minute to do lists and visits with family and friends.

Today the frenzy started ...  the planning and packing of my luggage!

My living room is a mess with clothes, toiletries, odds 'n' sods thrown all over the sofa and coffee table and occasionally a few items making their way into the suitcase.

Monsiuer Honey is responsible for his own packing and usually can have himself ready to go in short order! Men!

Busy, busy, busy!

Last year this time we were already settled into the daily routine of our "French" life in Dégagnac, France.

Soon we will be ready to go!