Friday, March 6, 2015

A Walk in the Park ... City Park!


After our first "Beignet" taste test at the Morning Call in City Park, we strolled through the park and visited the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden.

It wasn't a bright, sunny day and a soft mist hung in the air with possible threats of rain.

The park was full of old oak trees dressed in Spanish moss.

The Sculpture Garden is an absolutely wonderful part of the New Orleans Museum of Art.
The creative pieces of art are by various artists/ sculpters and funded by donations.

It is a peaceful garden that is home to some beautiful birds and waterfowl with surprises throughout.

The Tree of Necklaces, 2002 


We met several characters as we strolled throughout the garden, there was a Cardinal, a drummer who had a canny likeness to Darth Vader, musicians and many more! 

If I lived in New Orleans this would be a favourite place that I would make part of my daily walks, a place to contemplate, reflect and feel close to nature.



 The installations are numbered, titled with credit to the artist and donor. 
There are many more sculptures to see. A must do if you are in New Orleans.

I "Love" this special place ...

Love was in the air ... at this photo session.