Thursday, July 11, 2013

Are They "French" Fries?

There is much talk about the origin of the French Fry...

This photo is of French "French Fries"... frites

On one of our outings to Sarlat, we stopped for lunch and Monsieur Honey was craving a burger and fries... he was served the above "frites" with his "Hamburger".

The photo below are Belgian "French Fries" frietjes... prepared and served by my Belgian Connection friend, Madame M.

Depending from which part of Belgium you come from they are called "Frietjes" in Flemish and "frites" by the French speaking Walloons... but I think the word "frites" is universal.

Delicious and just like what my mother and her sisters, my aunts use to make. 

The potatoes once sliced should be soaked in cold water (to remove some of the starch), rinsed and dried before placing in the deep fryer.

The trick is to cook the potatoes once quickly and let them cool for at least a half hour and then deep fry them a second time ... and don't forget to serve them with home made mayonnaise.

While we were in France, I decided to try my hand at making home made mayonnaise again.

I have made it before but it has been many years.

As I drizzled in the oil, I was transported to the kitchen in my childhood home and could hear my mother and aunts chattering in French amongst each other... oh the memories.

Below I've shared the recipe that I used.

It was delicious with Msr. Guy's fresh leaf lettuce from his garden that he so kindly shared with us.

Belgian Mayonnaise Recipe from the De Vlaamse Pot by Marie Cattoor 


2 egg yolks
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard*
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
Salt & pepper
1 tbsp. cold water
400 ml. Salad oil i.e.canola

- In a medium sized bowl, place egg yolks, mustard and 1 tbsp. water 
Beat with hand mixer until well blended 
- while continuing to beat the mixture slowly add / drizzle the salad oil in bit by bit.
- if the mayonnaise becomes too thick add some more water
- still beating the mixture, add the lemon juice and, 
- taste for seasoning and add salt and pepper as needed.

*The flavour can change by using different kinds of mustard or no mustard at all ... personally, I don't use much mustard if any at all.

Store in a covered container in the refrigerator.
And as my nutrionist daughter-in- law would say ...  "everything in moderation".

Monsieur Honey just said .. 
"Why did you show me those pictures of the "frites" now my mouth is watering?"


  1. Sorry Pat, not frietens but FRIETJES !!!!!

    1. Thanks Miek...that is what I call them too, but I thought it was in my "plat Vlaamse" ...
      "Flat Flemish"!

      Frietjes it is then!!!

      I've changed it my post also...
