Friday, March 16, 2012

Homework First, Then Lunch!

Busy morning doing my French language homework, while Honey finished reading "The Rum Diaries" by Hunter S. Thompson, sitting in the garden. 

At 12;30PM, he dragged me away for lunch at the Croque Note, a French/Vietnamese restaurant up a side lane from the main Boulevard.

Menu of the Day  12.50 Euros
Starter - Country pates
Main course - Fish with basil/rice/potatoes and vegetables
Dessert- Apple cake & Walnut Cake with whipping cream/creme anglais & caramel

Main Course


A lovely way to the start the weekend..tomorrow off to Cahors for Market Day and a visit with friends.

1 comment:

  1. Lunch sounded lovely, glad to hear G will be in shape to carry luggage - 4 weeks and counting. K
