Monday, March 26, 2012

Flash from the Past

After the required two hour lunch hour, we ventured to the Farm Store/ Garden Centre for some more clay pots for our new plant purchases, and a quick pickup at the smaller supermarket.
As we were coming out the Casino Supermarket; what should “Honey” spot in the parking lot, but none other than a “1958 Renault Dauphine” the very same model and year of car in which he learned to first drive in England at the young age of 17 in 1959.

His father, Herbert had been trying to teach young Graeme the lessons of the road and since he had learnt to drive pre- World War 2 he believed it was best to save the clutch and use the brakes on corners. This quickly resulted in a loud disagreement with Graeme who subscribed to the Sterling Moss system of downshifting and using engine braking. His father then realized that their relationship would become strained and suggested to his young son that he go to a “Driver Training School”.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Graeme, Nice car! I wasn't even born when you were learning to drive.
    Sounds like the drive to Souillac was terrifying for poor Pat. Good choice taking the train back. Keep sending the pictures I just love them. Enjoy!
    Doug ventured to the cottage today to meet the fellow doing the survey of the property and to get a better handle on the exact location of the new garage (starting to be built in May).
    Take Care my dear friends.
