Saturday, May 10, 2014

Getting Ready...

Do you think I should start to plan my packing?

Not long now before we will be on our next adventure and normally I would have the spare room bed covered in piles of stuff ... 

Stuff is clothing, shoes, toiletries, travel necessities, iPad, iPod, ereaders, converters and any thing else that I think we might need. 

Oh yes and I can't forget the travel documents, passports, airline tickets, hotel reservation confirmations, etc.

But as of today the bed is empty ... I haven't even started! 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Early Birthday Wishes

#bon Anniversaire #prioritypost

In this world full of technological gadgets and so many communication options, it is such a pleasant surprise to receive hand written cards, letters and notes delivered in person or by the Postal service.

I arrived home today after being away for a few days spending time with some of my special grandchildren and this beautiful card was waiting for me. 

This card travelled many miles from France to our home in Canada.

This card is so "French" ... Beautiful red poppies and a special greeting of "Bon Anniversaire" with a wonderful handwritten message from dear friends ... my French walking buddy Madame M. and Msr. Guy (who will keep Msr. Honey company while we walk the Caminos to Santiago de Compostela) sending me best wishes for my upcoming Birthday ... 

Merci beaucoup mes amis!

Later in the day we went out for dinner with some friends, my Canadian walking buddy Susie Q and her dear hubby. 
I received another wonderful card... this one played music when I opened it ... " Pretty Woman " ... and the inside message was so true ... If you have followed my Walk of Life, you will know that my feet cause me lots of grief.

Thank you dear friends!

Oh how I long to wear beautiful, stylish stilettos ... but now days comfort and support are my number one priority and stilettos would not be practical for my walk through life.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Canadian Camino...


After more than a week without a long distance walk my body was crying to get out and about today...

so I ventured out on two separate short jaunts!

New discoveries awaited me ... My friend had found a new path, "Chemin" in French or "Camino" in Spanish where we could walk along side a rushing stream amongst some beautiful nature.

Susie Q even spotted some beautiful deer camouflaged behind the undressed trees.

I can only hope and imagine that the pilgrimage route in Spain that Madame M and I will walk in June will be so interesting and close to nature and God's creatures.

This was a new walk way where we were warmly greeted by a friendly Canadian Goose ...

There are subtle changes in the colours of the landscape as the sun is shining for more hours, the spring rains are providing nourishment and the air temperatures increase ever so slightly warming the ground...all evidence that Spring has arrived!