Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"Digging in" Degagnac.

"I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden"... Ruth Stout

The sunshine and warmer temperatures created a real buzz at the markets and garden stores this past weekend.

Everyone was out Saturday buying plants, seeds, bags of potting soil and planters.

We have made several purchases on behalf of our landlady over the past week.

Our first buy was twenty-four lavender plants in six- inch pots for some foundation plantings and a flat of ten Garnet coloured ivy geraniums to use in some clay pots.

We found these plants quite by accident one day when went for drive in a different direction at a large Supermarket in Fumel.

Before our market shopping Saturday, we visited the farm store in Gourdon (similar to TSC stores - Tractor Supply Company in Canada) to purchase garden edging, however, we did not find any of the plastic variety.
We found six healthy Hollyhock plants (in French "Rose Trémière Simple / Ficifolia") that are drought resistant which make them the perfect easy care plant for the hot French summers.

At the Gourdon Market, we were searching for Hostas.
We visited a market stall we were familiar with from last year, and we spotted several varieties of Hostas.
As we needed a large number of plants, I asked the proprietor what the price would be if we bought twenty plants.
We agreed upon a price and "Cathy" said as she did not have enough plants with her, she would bring them to next Saturday's Market (Talk about service).

As we were leaving her stall we noticed that there was a "Fête le printemps"... literal translation "Spring Festival" at the Greenhouses the next day.
What could be better, we now had an outing planned for Sunday.

One more stop at another store for edging with success, and a wander through the colourful display of planters.

Sunday morning was a beautiful day for a country drive to ....

"Le Jardin de Cathy"
Boulegan. 46340 Salviac
Tel. Port.

We wandered the greenhouses, received helpful information and found some additional plants suitable for "Beaucaillou's gardens".

Once we've done the "digging in" and the plants have had some nurturing and a chance to grow we hope they will look like our Hostas and lavender that are planted in our garden in Canada.

Garden gloves and shovels are you ready?

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Day in Paradise.

French philosopher and writer, Voltaire said.......
"Paradise is where I am".

"Monsieur Honey" and I both agree that where we are is "Paradise"!

Saturday morning we woke to some welcomed sunshine, warm to hot temperatures (90 degrees F plus in full sun), did some market shopping, purchased some potting soil to do some container gardening, puttered outside and then we enjoyed our alfresco lunch on the terrace, followed by a late afternoon stroll through the village.

"Monsieur" even donned his shorts this he is all smiles in the village square.

The tulips even turned their heads to the sun today.

The village church.

A view from above of the village cemetery.

Our neighbours in the pasture next door.

Beautiful blue pansies.

So do you think the locals would know we are not French...since we are drinking "vin blanc" instead of a "rosé" or "rouge" at lunch and "Monsieur Honey" is sporting his shorts with his colourful gay socks?

Saturday's weather continued into Sunday...stay tuned for more "Postcards from the Lot".

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Le Château

After all these years of travelling in France riding the trains and driving past many Chateau,
we finally "lived the dream".

We stayed in a Château or as some of our grandsons would say " Bowser Castle" my little boys this definitely was not the Bowser Castle in your games.

We travelled by car with our "French Connection" friends approximately 400 kilometres north east from our location in the Lot Valley.

Château d' Ygrande located in the Auvergne region of France was built in 1835 and became a hotel in 1998.
It is now a four star hotel.

It is situated in a very rural setting on 40 hectares with a lake, a swimming pool open in season, many walking and riding trails.

The property also has an Equestrian Centre.

We took advantage of an off- season promotion for a night's stay in a superior room, use of the steam room, gourmet dinner and breakfast the next morning.

We received a warm welcome from the front desk staff and were given a tour of the Château's interior...the dining rooms, lounge, library and billiard room.

We were escorted to our rooms on the first floor which in France is actually the second floor.

Spiral stone steps led us to our floor.

The walls in the main areas of the Château are covered in luxurious fabrics and coordinated with the draperies.

Our suite was spacious and elegant with a grand en-suite bathroom sympathetically updated.
This room reminded us of the bathrooms which we viewed at Château des Milandes (Josephine Baker's estate).

There was many antiques and period styled pieces of furniture, decoration, and objets d'art of paintings, pottery, porcelain, and sculptures.

Of course, the many bronze sculptures appealed to "Monsieur Honey".

After unpacking and settling in, we enjoyed a glass of wine with our friends in the lounge where the fire was burning.
Here, we met the owner Monsieur Tissier together with his pets, two Weimaraner dogs in a chocolate grey colour. These dogs are sometime nicknamed " Silver Ghost " because of their colour.

We had hoped to be able to walk the grounds but the weather did not cooperate.
Please note that due to the cloudy, rainy weather the outside photos that we took are dark...but use your imagination to see it sparkling in the sunshine.

For dinner we were served several courses by very competent, friendly staff.

. Amuse bouche (for my friend, Shari here's some ideas for your micro-cuisine)
- cucumber tartare, cauliflower foam and a nutty biscuit.

. Crème brûlée made with foie gras

. Entree - a seafood and chicken risotto, very much like paella....delicious!

. Main - choice of cod with artichoke and radish, or rabbit done three ways.

. Cheese plate

. Dessert - exotic fruit salad with crispy cookie layers.

....and if that wasn't enough ...a plate of Chateau Surprises, little nibbles.

The chef is David Martin.
There is currently a program where the recipes of Top Chefs are being served in select Château.

The next day after a delicious breakfast with many choices, we readied ourselves for the journey home.

It was a "Magnificent" experience!