Sunday, June 23, 2013

La Ferme de Vieux MacDonald

Grandma has been taking photos of animals and farm things throughout her travels and walks.

Here is a special post for all of my grandchildren.

I haven't been able to read you any stories for awhile so I hope you enjoy this picture story about ...
"Old MacDonald's Farm".

If you were here with Grandma we would first have to get some cool rubber boots for our walks through the countryside and farmlands.

 Which ones would you choose?
What do you think Chloe, the lime green zebra ones or the deep purple ones?
There are so many animals for Grandma's farm.
Chickens and roosters, ducks, billy goats and kids, cows, horses and ponies, little pigs, even a donkey, furry lambs and sheep too!
Can you count how many sheep are here, Caden?
These ones have been shorn.
    How about this one for a toy ...Miles and Theo?
Woolly bah bahs for cuddly Sawyer!
The ponies and horses are for you my sweet, Sydney... 
These ponies walked by the cottage where Grandma and Grandpa have been staying.
   A cuddly kitty for Aubree.


   This John Deere is for you my dear Mason!
                                           See you all soon! Love Grandma.

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