Sunday, June 3, 2012

Guard Dog

This so much looks like a Postcard you can buy in the stores in France; the photo of the dog was taken one day when we were doing a Sunday drive in the countryside.

French Doors

What's behind these doors?

The doors in France fascinate me, and here is a photo collage of some of the many.
Some of the doors are more obvious as to where they will lead you and some of the others appear to have no purpose.

Superb early 17th-century doorway in the town of Gourdon, just around the corner from where we stayed.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Jet Lagged!!!

Just a quick post to let you know that we arrived "Home safely" last night.

Watch your mailbox for a few more "Postcards from the Lot"....still some more stories to share.