Monday, May 28, 2012

Knock, knock....

Knock, knock …who’s there?

Most doors in France feature a "Knocker" typically in the shape of a ladies hand complete with a ring.

While we have seen hundreds in the shape of a ladies hands we've only seen one male hand and one woodpecker knocker(bottom photo).

We have a very nice antique ladies' hand that we acquired on our second trip to France in 2004, which Graeme has yet to mount on our door.
But he plans to do so upon our return.

Photo of male hand knocker

Friday, May 25, 2012

Brocante Bargain…..

Book of art – Collection of works by Mattin – Laurent partarrieu...graeme purchased this book at a brocante (Antique sale) earlier this month.

The artists' work is so alive, it’s like you are right there in the
moment experiencing with emotion what he has sketched or painted, it is so very much indicative of the French way of life. joie de vivre!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Are we lost in France?


You may be wondering why it's been so quiet on the blog.

 Pat has been very sick in bed since Monday night with a terrible cold, flu ..who knows what it is.

She described her headaches like when our Grandson, Caden does the "High Five" and finishes it with a "Kapow" explosion. 

Watch for more posts soon.

Posted by "Honey"