Today in Céret we spent the morning at the outdoor market.
A hub of activity started early this morning with the vendors pulling in to the square below us getting their "stands/ shoppes" set up.
Luckily we remembered from our stay last year that someone the vendors pull in as early as 5:30/6:00 am and we closed the shutters tight last night so we wouldn't be woken up too, too early.
This market is not just in one little square or on one street ... and a best guess is that there are hundred plus vendors selling their wares.
What will we be making this week?
Two pickups. ... fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, eggplants (aubergines) and smoked paprika to take home, and a bouquet of fresh flowers to brighten up our apartment ... And to support the local neighbours!
We also bought a rotisserie chicken and a jambonneau (a small piece of ham which we enjoyed for our lunch).
Another pickup ... I sent Monsieur Honey for some fresh lemons, he came back with much more ...
the fresh lemons plus farm fresh eggs and heirloom tomatoes.
The view looking up to to our apartment from the market stalls in Place de liberté ... we're enjoying our French life from the third floor apartment ( which actually is the 4th floor but in this pic count up to to the 3rd floor ... you can't see the ground floor).
- view looking down from our balcony overlooking the "Market" activities!
And that's a wrap ... the vendors packing up and another busy Saturday market is over !