Monday, May 4, 2015

The Louvre

Today we had definite plans ... we were going to visit with the lovely Mona Lisa!

As you can see it was a grey, drizzly day ... perfect Museum weather!

Come walk with us through the Pyramid to enter the Louvre ... and see it through our eyes.
The Louvre buildings have dominated the heart of Paris since the 12th Century. 
The fortress was once the residence of the French Kings. It became a museum in 1783.


Here we smiled at Mona Lisa from a distance ...  behind hundreds of other visitors!





Laury ... this one is for you!


Perfect for container gardening ...

After our self tour of the Museum, albeit we only touched the surface of all that there is too see; we strolled along the Seine.

An Art Nouveau fence ...

We could have used one of these "parapluies" to protect us from the late afternoon heavy rain.

It was a wonderful day of culture!

However as we've always said we need to spend a week or more only visiting the Louvre so we can see it all!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Discovering Montmartre

A Saturday in Paris again with no particular destination and just wanting to discover more of what the city had to offer.

We enjoyed a wonderful day strolling the many streets (more than 18000 steps and 12 kilo-meters) a delicious lunch in a quaint, rustic cafe located in the "Passage Panoramas" and later I left Monsiuer Honey with his coffee while I trekked uphill with many thousands of tourists to see "Sacre Coeur".


Tomorrow (Sunday, April 26th) we are off to visit the Louvre!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

At the Paris Cafés.

I love the different colours, shapes, sizes and textures of the Paris café chairs!

And of course each one has a different view!

Where would you choose to sit at to enjoy your coffee or apero?