" The 3D wall art at the airport ... Charles DeGaule Paris "
Dear Family and Friends,
We arrived home safely this past Wednesday evening and we are getting back into our daily routines and life in Canada.
The rest of our week consisted of unpacking, laundry, sorting through the three month's mail that was waiting for us, getting groceries, the beginnings of yard maintenance and trying to remember where things are located in our home vs. at Beaucaillou; i.e. Monsieur Honey asks... "okay, now where are the pots and pans?"
This week's plans are to catch up with and see the family and grandchildren.
It's been very hot and humid making it difficult to get much done in the gardens... they are so lush and in need of major hair cuts!
Everyday there seems to be a new colour in the garden from our perennials which keep adding splashes of colour throughout the season, everything seems so early this year...the bear paws, false sunflowers, hollyhocks are in full bloom and the Hostas are already in flower!
We've missed the flowering of the daffodils, tulips, iris's, Japanese irises, rhodedendrums, peonies and poppies... but there are still so many more to make an appearance...
We were lucky to find some potting plants left at several area garden centres.
Some were yearning to be taken to a good home to be cared for and in need of food and water, and more importantly at this time of year being saved from becoming part of he Garden Centre's compost heap.
So I've been able to fill a few containers/ planters to add some colour in the yard until the next of the perennials bloom and burst into living colour.
Monsieur Honey has retrieved his little red beauty from storage and is anxious to take his daily drives.
And for those of you who know Monsieur Honey... check out the coordinating red and white socks!
This week my backpack and I trekked to the local Supermarket to do the daily shopping.
If the heat keeps up I may have to set the alarm clock for the middle of the night... and walk and shop in the cool of the night.
Unlike the store hours in France our local Supermarket is open 24/7 ... I don't believe they need to be open for 24 hours/ 7 days a week... it's all what you get accustomed to and make that work in your schedule.
I still have a few "French" postcards to write and will post them soon!
Bon Dimanche! Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!